First off, I will be making the big move to Wordpress soon, I'll keep you all updated. Also getting a big 'ol fancy domain name. I feel so grown up!
I am also working on a review for you guys for a new toy from Bright Starts and once I can get it out of Boogie's tight grasp I'll be sure to tell you all about it.
And lastly I have some BIG BIG BIG news....but I'm not going to tell you about it now. You're just going to have to wait.
Now on to the latest in the life of the better half...
We took out show on the road this past weekend. Rutherford has family in San Diego and since those burning in hell look to us Arizonans with sympathy, we felt it was time to get out of dodge.
Just in case you don't know...San Diego is exactly 6 hours from Phoenix. Yup, six freaking hours!! As in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...6 hours in a car with a child that has now learned to walk so staying in one place for too long is completely unheard of.
I was beginning to think I had lost my damn mind.
If you have been keeping up with me here you know that I am an over preparer. If I am only going to need 2 diapers, I bring 4. Quick trip to the grocery store I bring snack cup, juice cup, woobie and a sweater just in case it's chilly in the frozen food section. Over night stay? Forgetaboutit, we're now talking 2 to 3 bags of crap. So a 6 hour car trip to the beach....I started prepping 2 weeks prior.
1 suit case.
1 diaper bag.
1 stroller.
1 pack and play.
1 bag of food and snacks (with cooler bag for juice and soy milk bottles).
1 bag or toys for the car.
1 iPad fully charged with 3 season of Yo Gabba Gabba.
2 woobies....
Oh yeah, and a suit case for Rutherford and I.
Check, check, check...
Hang on, I'm tired just thinking about it again. I think I need to lie down.
Okay, I'm good now.
In the end I was pretty impressed with myself, and more so with how well Boogie did.
We decided to leave at 6pm on Thursday, hoping the kid would sleep on the way there. Yeah, not so much. She fell asleep about 45 minutes before we got there so we got a good 5 hours of non-stop Yo Gabba Gabba. Do you want to know any song? Cuz I can sing it to you...I know it... It's burned into my brain...
We were so happy to be in San Diego with family and all we needed was a good nights sleep and we were good as new.
Check out the pics...
Our amazing hosts, the Fracassi Family! |
Boogie's first beach trip. |
She wasn't too sure about the sand. |
Daddy's girl. |
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Little cousin Mateo. I tried to steal him. |
Cousin Dominic. How freakin' cute is this kid?! |
Boogie discovered swings on this trip, now we need to buy her one. |
So cool. |
Arizona managed to get a smidge closer to the sun while we were gone. Not sure how that happens.
We want to thank the Fracassi family for being so wonderful and welcoming to us. We love you guys and had the best time. We will be back soon, we promise! Give those boys hugs and kisses for us.
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Love. |
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